- 02/10/2019 - 18/12/2019
18:00 - 20:00
The Welsh Athletics U11 U13 & U15 Run Jump Throw Coaching programme will re-commence on Wednesday 2nd October 2019 and will continue to be on a Wednesday evening 6pm to 8pm at Swansea University Indoor Athletics Development Centre. Please complete the online form if your athlete wishes to re-enrol on or before Wednesday 2nd October 2019. The cost is £49.50 for the 12 week term, online booking only. The term will run for 12 consecutive weeks up to an including Wednesday 18th December 2019.
The initiative is open to athletes in school years 5 to 9 from any club as well as those who are unattached to a club.
The initiative will be limited to a maximum of 50 subscribers.
For those ADC athletes that are not already a member of an athletics club that would consider representing their local team please speak to andrew.jenkins@welshathletics.org and you can be advised of an appropriate club.
Term dates and events are:
Weeks 1 to 4: Relays, Triple Jump & Hammer
Weeks 5 to 8: Endurance, Pole Vault & Discus
Weeks 9 to 12: Sprints, Long Jump & Shot
Many congratulations to all those athletes who have been participating in the clubs and schools summer term track & field fixtures, there have been lots of excellent results across the board.