EnwPedro Luis Ajuriaguerra Saiz
AddressDr. Luis Bilbao Libano, nº44, 1ºA, 48940 Leioa
Map It
Designer/Architect NameFrank Gehry
Title of imageThe Ship -Guggenheim Museum
Location and CountryBilbao Spain
Date photo was taken08/01/2021
Short description

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is a contemporary art museum designed by the Canadian architect Frank O. Gehry and located in the city of Bilbao, he designed the Guggenheim as the last large ship moored at the Bilbao docks. A nice nod to the naval tradition of Bilbao and Euskadi. In the image I wanted to highlight the image of a ship as if it were sailing through the fog, every hour on the footbridge of the pond smoke emits from there the achieved atmosphere. A titanium boat sailing in the Bilbao estuary

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