Company Details
Company NamePlatform 5 Architects LLP
Address217 Mare Street London E8 3QE
United Kingdom
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EnwPatrick Michell
Job TitlePartner
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Ffon020 7031 5661
Role of this organisation in the project being enteredPartner
  • Commercial Building - Buildings that are used for commercial purposes, and include retail, hospitality, workplaces, factories and warehouses and buildings where commercial services are provided. At least 50 percent of the buildings’ floor space will be used for commercial activities. 
  • Housing - Buildings such as houses, flats and apartments that are used for sheltering people. These could be either part of the private or public sector and could be individual dwellings or multi-dwelling developments. Social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing provided to specified eligible households whose needs are not met by the market, are included.