Company Details
Company NameSurface Matter
Address29 Westgate Street
United Kingdom
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EnwJane Campbell
Job TitleMarketing Director
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Role of this organisation in the project being enteredSurface Supplier
  • Commercial Building - Buildings that are used for commercial purposes, and include retail, hospitality, workplaces, factories and warehouses and buildings where commercial services are provided. At least 50 percent of the buildings’ floor space will be used for commercial activities. 
Name of organisation entering the Awards (if different from above)Surface Matter
Project Name (written how it should appear)Knoops Coffee Shop
Project Address64 St John's Rd,
SW11 1PS
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Client NameJens Knoop
Designer/Architect NameLara Gosling
Project Description

Expertly crafted chocolate drinks maker, Knoops serves indulgent hot chocolates, milkshakes and beyond. Jens Knoop has had a strong relationship with chocolate since his childhood in rural Germany. Knoop - which translates from Dutch to button - is the perfect namesake for the chocolate drinks café creating drinks and treats from real chocolate buttons.

The Knoops concept is curated around chocolate percentage menus to ensure there is a great taste of chocolate available to everyone

The expanding artisan chocolate chain incorporates a contrasting combination of materials in its sleek and minimalistic interior. The earthy suede-like tones of Richlite mimic the rich velvety chocolate. R50 wall panels, Black Diamond countertops and doors cloak the interior and will wear like leather or blackened steel.

Materials Used

Deep Black Velvet Durat Palace shelves incorporate flecks of gold, and bright terrazzo white solid surface work seamlessly in the countertop and till areas for a luxurious and silky smooth finish.
The recycled materials contrast colour and texture and will age very differently, but both can withstand the fast pace of the chocolatier and coffee shop.