Company Details
Company NameMelanie Mosaics
AddressFloor 1. 77 High Street
Stony Stratford
Buckinghamshire MK111AA
United Kingdom
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EnwMelanie Watts
Job TitleMosaic Artist
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Role of this organisation in the project being enteredDesign and fabrication
  • Light + Surface - The innovative use of light and the way it is inextricably linked to surfaces, whether it’s the effect the light has on the surrounding surfaces or the materials used to create the light.  
Project Name (written how it should appear)Light of Life
Project AddressCurrently at: Milton Keynes Museum
McConnell Drive
Wolverton, Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
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Designer/Architect NameMelanie Watts
Contractor NameMelanie Watts
Project Description

Started in lockdowns in 2020. Completed and grouted in a golden colour in June 2021.

Materials Used

Stunning and sumptuous light reflective glass, laid in a contemporary mosaic style the artist Melanie has developed. Iridescent, stained glass capture the beautiful light seem so frequently during the lockdowns - with people not using transport the skies were clearer and everyone noticed! The beautiful evening sunlight is captured in this hand made piece, with a stunning white barn owl swooping through the light!


Yes - glass materials are seconds from glass shops which would usually be discarded. I have used these to create something new, hopeful and beautiful!

Issues Faced

Trying to get into my studio with the lockdowns and my teenager facing all the pressure of long term home online learning in final school year. This piece lifted mine snd so many others spirits and is a real reflection of hope and a future during challenging times.

Additional Comments

The piece is tactile - there’s another piece I created previously that’s installed as public art on the historic Grand Union Canal on the Gyosei arts trail in Milton Keynes. Visited by people nationally and internationally.